EPNS is a Cooperative (Co-Op) Preschool Program.
The School is organized, financed, and governed by the participating parents, as well as the Teacher/Director.
We admit children who are 2-years, 9-months of age by September 1st, and toilet-trained. The student body is comprised of 21-students and up to 5-years of age.
Hours of instruction are (5) days per week from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. The School year begins in September, the Tuesday after Labor Day, and ends May 31st.
The School’s program is play-based and designed to cultivate and develop your child socially, emotionally, and physically, encouraging individuality and creativity.
If you are unfamiliar with a Co-Op Preschool Program, it involves a variety of opportunities for parents to volunteer and actively participate in their child’s preschool experience. Some of the various volunteer opportunities we offer are, participate in (1) workday per week from 8:45 am-12:45 pm, enlist in (1) job duty off the “list of jobs” utilized to maintain school operations (i.e., cooking, art, science, music, field trip coordinator, etc.), participate in fundraising efforts, attend monthly business meetings, enlist to be on-call (1) timer per month, etc. Just to name a few.
It is a very rewarding and fun experience but also requires significant parent involvement and participation, with the interest of keeping the school organized and operating efficiently.
Because we are a parent-run school, our monthly tuition is only $275.00 per month with a $125.00 non-refundable Annual Registration Fee.
Please contact epnsmembership@gmail.com for additional information.
*Monthly tuition subject to change